Wednesday, August 27, 2008



I found this very interesting toy called femisapien from wowwee. Wowwee makes really nice robots, but this one is programmable right on the bot itself. This makes it easy to string a routine. I guess you have to be articulated in order to do ot right, though. Not yet programmable by computer where you can take your time.

Also check out Roboone competition in Japan.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Motorcycle Racing


Saw this at Bonnie's Restaurant in Denton, Texas. Triumph Racing, Bonneville National 2004 Speed Week Participant. 772 APSPG75.

There was also a Bonneville Triumph by the door. Pictures of cowboys and bikers lined the wall. Oh, and the chairs have Texas Star shaped holes in them.

Sunday, August 10, 2008



Saw this on a truck stop. Unfortunately, it burned to the ground! Also, a poor trucker got hung up in the corner. I thought Dart is supposed to be owner-operator. Still got hung up on the trailer? Maybe the thunderstorm earlier has something to do with it?

Will Rogers


"I never met a man I didn't like" - Will Rogers

There's a Will Rogers mini museum on Oklahoma Turnpike, just north of Tulsa in Glass House Mcdonald.

It appears that Will Rogers is a good character both on-screen and off. Someone to emulate for.

As far as the McDonald, it was full! I mean it was overflowing. The whole place was jam-packed. Good luck trying to get into the ladies' room in less than half an hour!

I was going to get something real quick, but I changed my mind. So I ended up eating junk food. Pricey junk food. Oh, well.

Strangely enough most of the tourist are Asian? I wonder if there's a special occasion or something.