Friday, February 5, 2010

Bigger than small devices


There are 2 devices that caught my attention: Nintendo DSi XL (LL in Japan) and iPad. They represent bigger versions of Nintendo DSi and iPod Touch, respectively. I think I will get that Nintendo DSi XL. It is a very useful device, and not just for playing game. It functions as a multi-tool for the intellectual, similar to PDA, except minus the geekiness factor. Of which, unfortunately, makes it less convenient to use although most of the functionalities are there.

The must-have DSiWare list are:
Clock (Photo)
Calculator (Animal Crossing)
Art Academy (First Semester)

When I get that DSi XL, these DSiWare will be on it!

I really want to include myNotebook, but as long as it has bad interface, I can't really recommend it. I also fail to see the point of myPostcard. Can't you just do it with Camera Graffiti?

Now, about iPad. Do you think Steve Jobs is losing it? iPad is a very useful device, and I can see how it makes a great ebook reader. However, the positioning of the device isn't that of iPod Touch XL, but rather iBook Touch Lite. Which is to say, a lot of people are going to be disappointed if they expect touch screen computer, instead of a touch pad with better user experience dimension, but is really to big for your pocket.

I think iPad can be a killer device, but it remains to be seen whether or not the public understand the true potential of the device, instead of complaining that it is simply a bigger, more expensive unit than iPod Touch.

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