Amazing Mazes!
It has been a long time, hasn't it? I took one month sabbatical. It became 3 months. How time flies! I got jolted into action by the bugs on my windshield! It's spring! Time to get moving!
Haha, joking aside, it IS time for me to get up and do something.
I have been working on this maze generation program that I planned to use on D&D type of game. The eventual code will create "rooms" out of the maze.
And here is the whole program
So far, so good. I'm allocating memory in the beginning of the program. I also map out the structure of the program in terms of subroutines.'MAZE 'APRIL 2013 'HARRY HARDJONO CLS:CLEAR DIM XDIR[5] DIM YDIR[5] 'ROOM: MAKE ROOMS 'PATH: DRAW PATH 'CHOICE: CHOOSE PATH 'INIT: SET PARAMS 'MAZE: MAKE MAZE GOTO @INIT
You're probably wondering what goes on here. All it does is scan the maze for straight walls, and removing them. Any bend in the wall and it will be left alone. The resulting "rooms" are unique. Setting the LINK variable to 0 will render this subroutine useless. For lots of spaces, I find LINK=8 is a good value to use. Higher values means less room.@ROOM 'I'M SKIPPING THIS FOR NOW. TOO LAZY. 'LOOK IT UP ON QR CODE RETURN
Path really draws the path of the maze. It goes by "UDLR" values of XDIR,YDIR arrays. I have the idea of making the subroutine generic by using string and draws all the path. No error checking here, so be careful when using this subroutine as-is.@PATH LOCATE CX,CY:?CHR$(32); FOR PC=1 TO LEN(M$)-1 PDX=XDIR[INSTR(CIDX$,MID$(M$,PC,1))] PDY=YDIR[INSTR(CIDX$,MID$(M$,PC,1))] CX=CX+PDX:CY=CY+PDY LOCATE CX,CY:?CHR$(32); CX=CX+PDX:CY=CY+PDY LOCATE CX,CY:?CHR$(32); NEXT RETURN
This subroutine merely take the current cursor position and looks at 4 different directions. Valid direction gets added to CS$. Invalid directions are those that are nested too deep, out-of-bounds, and dead-ended in a maze.@CHOICE CS$="" FOR CI=0 TO 3 CJ$=MID$(CIDX$,CI,1) CPX=CX+(2*XDIR[CI]) CPY=CY+(2*YDIR[CI]) IF LEN(M$)>250 THEN CJ$="" IF CPX<SCXMIN THEN CJ$="" IF CPX>SCXMAX THEN CJ$="" IF CPY<SCYMIN THEN CJ$="" IF CPY>SCYMAX THEN CJ$="" IF LINK==0 OR RND(LINK) THEN IF CHKCHR(CPX,CPY)!=151 THEN CJ$="" CS$=CS$+CJ$ NEXT C$=MID$(CS$,RND(LEN(CS$)),1) RETURN
@INIT subroutine establishes the parameters of the program. The maze characteristics, other than SCXMAX,SCYMAX which defines the size of the maze would be LINK and ROOM=(TRUE/FALSE). Set ROOM to TRUE if you want open areas in the maze.@INIT CIDX$="UDLR" XDIR(0)=0:YDIR(0)=-1 XDIR(1)=0:YDIR(1)=1 XDIR(2)=-1:YDIR(2)=0 XDIR(3)=1:YDIR(3)=0 SCXMIN=1:SCXMAX=29 SCYMIN=1:SCYMAX=21 SCXCUR=RND(SCXMAX/2)*2+1 SCYCUR=RND(SCYMAX/2)*2+1 LINK=88:'CHANGE THIS FOR CONNECTEDNESS ROOM=FALSE CLS:M$="" FOR II=SCYMIN-1 TO SCYMAX+1:?CHR$(151)*31:NEXT
Also draws the initial background.
This is the heart of the program. Traditionally, this is implemented by a recursive function. Obviously, BASIC has no recursion. I managed to flattened the whole algorithm. This used to be a double FOR-LOOP. Now, it's a single REPEAT-LOOP. Very clean and simple. I like it.@MAZE 'HEAVY WIZARDRY CX=SCXCUR:CY=SCYCUR GOSUB @PATH GOSUB @CHOICE M$=M$+C$+C$ M$=LEFT$(M$,LEN(M$)-1) IF LEN(M$) GOTO @MAZE BEEP:IF ROOM THEN GOSUB @ROOM
Press any key to continue...@END IF BUTTON(0) GOTO @INIT GOTO @END
And there you have it. A short, simple and sweet maze generator routine. Feel free to use it on your games! I'm looking forward to see what you can come up with. Happy coding!
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