Monday, September 7, 2020

Journal Writing

 It turns out that I'm being hopelessly lost without some kind of journaling. I have too many projects going on simultaneously that I'm being overwhelmed by it all.

I tried bullet journaling for awhile. Unfortunately, BuJo is not good enough for me. I modified it to act more like a Project Management Journal, and so far so good. My productivity improves enough that I'm starting to catch up with my projects.

That is until I ran out of pages. Surprise! It turns out migrating the journal entries takes an incredibly long time. I bought a thick one, and it doesn't do it for me. I'm still using it as reference thing, but not for daily entries. So, I'm back to using standard journal. I'll just carry both until the migration process is complete since it turns out that one thick journal is equivalent to 2 standard sized ones.

I'm using Leuchtturm journals. It turns out Moleskin isn't really compatible with my pen. Lamy Sahara with EF nib. 

Which one is more important? Pen or Paper? I'd say pen. To me, pen is more personal than paper. I'd rather write with a great pen on average paper than vice-versa. 

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