Tuesday, March 18, 2008



I did get that little computer. Eee PC. Do you know what this reminds me of? The little Apple //c from Apple Computing. It came out way back in 1984, if I remember correctly. The nice thing about this is that it is compact, light, powerful, and expandable. Storagewise, you can use flash drive and memory card. You can use various printers and even wacom tablet! You can even boot from flash drive, so if you want to try out a new operating system, you can. Try getting Ubuntu on a flash drive!

The first thing I did was to check that the webcam works. The format is Ogg Vorbis. Can I upload this to Google Video? The second thing I did is to go to the web and eeepc wiki site.

Uploaded skype webcam update
fixed Samba, or at least tried to.
Installed wacom tablet! Yay!
downloaded processing, but no good.
Updated virus checker
set webmail, skype, yahoo messenger.

Apparently, python and perl are already built-in. Hmmm... How about pygame? I wonder if it would work? That would be really neat!

It's running Linux. It really is a neat little device. It does burn the battery rather quickly, but I'm not sorry looking at the performance given. I can actually watch various movies. Mpeg, asf, and other formats. Pretty neat! With 8 gig flash drive, you can store and watch a lot of movies!

There will be another model coming out soon with Windows XP. I'm thinking of getting that one as well. The one I have now is 4G (not surf one). The next one would be 8G. That's the one with Windows, although it will still offer Linux ones, as well.

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