Monday, March 3, 2008

Big Brain DS weight

Not much improvements this week, but Memorandom got a surprise following. There aren't that many activities that allows extra large scores to be had. I'm still getting better across the board. I definitely notice a faster brain speed. There have been times when I was thinking, followed by guessing 15 minutes have passed. To my surprise and delight, I found out that only 3 minutes have passed! It makes me want to keep practicing more and more.

Ace 2083g an investor. 45 platinum

Category Activity Easy Norm Hard
Coin-parison 471 472 513
Add Agency 373 391 421
Written Math 358 410 448
Shadow Shift 430 452 504
Get in Shape 573 *717 700
MatchMaker 393 452 483
Heavy Weight 512 543 480
Pathfinder 461 473 566
Boneyard 403 459 473
Sound Bits 348 411 455
Flash Memory 392 *422 401
Memo Random *524 *507 *507
Missing Link 390 456 *604
Cube Game 593 588 547
Animal Lines 381 492 508

6 improvements this week.

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