Monday, November 3, 2014

I'm still here!


Alright. So it has been awhile since I last post here. In truth, there's no really reason for it. I've been doing a lot of research in the past few months, and I think I finally got it. There's a tremendous amount of backlog of materials that I want to post, but in truth, I have to cut down on the topics I want to post.

I pretty much give up doing some semblance of topical posts. I'll just do it the natural way my brain works: Rambling all over the town! As far as topics are concerned? Well, there's the search button. :)

Computer programming is always part of me and I will be posting that on my other blog, Simpleton Geek blogspot. Book/movie reviews will go there as well. Things that are of interest of geeks will go there.

This Ramstrong blog will feature Arts and Crafts. You know, the complete opposite of tech. Dean Kamen is a nerd, and so he has STEM, instead of STEAM. As I'm a geek, I think Art is an important element to the equation. So, I will be featuring those kind of things here.

I just recorded a video of me making markers with Crayola Marker Maker. I did it using just the refill, not the whole package. It works great. I'll upload it sometime, and feature it here.

There's also a comic project, although that is still in initial progress, so I don't know how that will work yet.

Oh, well. Nanowrimo is up and I have yet another blog for it. That one is private, though, so only friends will be able to access it.

In the meantime, AH'M BACK!

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