Sunday, October 25, 2020

Wandering Witch Elaina


I want to highlight a new anime show: Wandering Witch: the Journey of Elaina.

What began as lighthearted show of an apprentice witch becomes dark really quickly by episode 3. Episode 4 is even darker. There is an under current message of death and destruction of people. Yet, like Kino's Journey, most of the destruction is self inflicted.

It resonates with me because there are so many times I've seen such abuse and harassment at online communities, allowed and sometimes even perpetrated by the moderators. The end result is always the same: Destruction of said communities. 

Why don't moderators learn? I don't know. Maybe they just don't want to. When power hungry people become moderators, they will happily burn the once thriving community to the ground. Just like episode 4. Moderators without community; A princess without subjects. 

You can find more info about it at Wikipedia

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